Author Archives: Nicole Antonio-Gadsdon

Nicole Antonio-Gadsdon

Nicole Antonio-Gadsdon is an advocate of the art and craft of Creative HR. She is particularly fond of plucking square pegs from round holes and ruffling Establishment feathers. Her main purpose is to help clients transform from blah to cooking with gas through her company Aquarius Human Resources Consulting Ltd. She writes stories about her Creative HR journey and shares tips and discoveries in The HR Rabbit Hole blog. The shorter version of this article was originally published in The HR Rabbit Hole on 17th August 2015.

How To Embrace Obscurity to Achieve Your Goals
in Business, Motivate, Startups

How To Embrace Obscurity to Achieve Your Goals

Guest post by Nicole Antonio-Gadsdon from Aquarius HR Consulting On Friday 13th February last year, flouting all superstitions, I relaunched my consulting business. I had worked hard with my designer to revamp my logo, renovate the website, add a new space to experiment and share ideas (my blog The HR Rabbit Hole), took a crash course in a new language (Digital Speak – SEO, Backlinks, Content Curation,...

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28 Aug 2016