Do You Have Your Admin Down? Business


In business, there are always going to be those areas of the job that you enjoy, those that you don’t mind doing, and those that you pretty much despise doing. Because we can’t love everything that makes up a business. Some elements are creative, some are strategic, some are numeric, and some are administrative. While the former three often require passion or some skill or interest in the area, everyone has admin to do. Yes, it’s true that some people will be good at it – enjoy it even, but even when you’re not the biggest admin fan, you still have to do it. It’s a big business essential. But there are ways that you can master admin and make it so much easier on yourself. Like these.

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A System!

But before you get ahead of yourself, you’re going to want to make sure that you’re able to know where you are with your administration tasks at all times. And this is where the idea of having a system comes in. Although we’re going to talk about what things you need to cover off to keep your admin under control, you’re also going to want to start thinking about how you can put a system in place. Should you do certain things on set days to stay on top of them? Or maybe have set procedures to follow? This is what you should start thinking about going forwards.


Email Organization

Emails. They can often be a bit of a nightmare. When you’re getting client emails, customer emails, advertiser emails, supplier emails, and just about anyone trying to sell you something, you may find that your inbox starts to fill up – and fast. So you’re going to want to make sure you can keep your emails organized. To make that happen, organizing your inbox as this post suggests, will help.


Email Management

But organization is just one part of dealing with your emails in the most efficient manner. You may find that you need to work on a good email management system too. Whether you answer emails at certain times of the day, or only for a certain amount of time, you need to get a process in place that allows you to stay on top of them. You may even want to work with an email management team to get this done!


Call Answering

And what about calls? We all get them, and sometimes we get too many! When you can’t handle the influx of calls, you need a service such as to take it off of your hands. Because you can put a system in place, but calls are hard to ignore, and you could miss people when you try to call them back. So a call answering service is always the best answer.


Planning & Reporting

Finally, you’ve also got your planning and reporting to think about. And these are often the most important admin tasks of all. So you need to prioritize them – over your emails and calls. Start by putting a system in place so that you can plan effectively, and know when and how you should be reporting too. Then, you should find that you do have your admin down!


Sharni-Marie is the owner of the epic new marketing company Forj (M)arketing. She is a passionate marketer and business consultant with a huge vision to help small businesses forge their own way to future success. She loves to read and travel, always looking for experiences that broader her perspective.

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