3 Sure Fire Ways To Make Your Business Cyber Secure Business / Technology

In the twenty first century, the major threat to businesses isn’t rogue traders or fraudsters, it’s the world of online hacking and cyber crime that has entrepreneurs quaking in their boots. If the NHS in the UK was hit by a massive cyber attack in 2017, how on Earth can a tiny business entity like you ward of cyber threats? The answer is, you can only be as preventative as possible. If a hacker wanted to plant a piece of spyware or malware into your network, they could try. However, it is up to you to ensure that there is little to no chance of human error from your staff in allowing this threat to become viable. Take a look at how you can make your business more cyber secure.

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Staff Training

The simplest way that a hacker can infiltrate your systems is via an email attachment or a dodgy looking pop up. All too often, we can open up an odd looking email attachment without a care in the world only for it to be an annoying piece of spam. However, in the business world, you need to be ultra aware of the emails that are entering your inbox. Staff should be trained to recognize potential threats and should never, under any circumstances, open anything that they are not expecting. You should set up a staff charter and get everyone, yourself included, to sign it. Training staff yearly means that they are always refreshed on how to combat cyber threats, and every new starter will undergo the same training.


If the worst should occur and a piece of ransomware appear in your systems, you don’t want this to shut you down and stop your trading. Companies like Simplified IT Consulting will work with you to ensure that you are safeguarded against any catastrophe that may strike. They will ensure that your systems are backed up regularly so you can continue to function normally post-cyber attack. Outsourcing this function is a sound idea as a startup as your time will probably be better spent securing funding, ensuring that your cash flow remains buoyant and working on your digital online marketing strategy.

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It only takes one mediocre password to be hacked and used across your network to infiltrate your systems and compromise your customers private data. Make sure that passwords are changed regularly and utilize a random set of alphanumeric characters and symbols. Ensure that the most confidential data cannot be accessed off site. This way, no one can log onto your company site on an unsecured network at a coffee shop and start hacking your databases. Ensure that every file is accessed on a need to know basis only to maintain the highest levels of security possible.

Being an entrepreneur and trying to make it in the world of business is tough. However, you should never neglect the need for high levels of cybersecurity. A lonely firewall simply won’t cut it. Backup, outsource, and be cyber aware at all times.


Sharni-Marie is the owner of the epic new marketing company Forj (M)arketing. She is a passionate marketer and business consultant with a huge vision to help small businesses forge their own way to future success. She loves to read and travel, always looking for experiences that broader her perspective.

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