Breaking Down The Reasons Why Your Business Needs A Break Room Business / Company

When it comes to kitting out your office, you’ll have a lot to think about. Most managers appreciate that things like office design can impact staff productivity. You may also face the decision about whether to incorporate a break room. Sadly, unlike features such as decor, break rooms are fast going out of fashion. Now, there’s more of a focus on creating space and opening office design up. And, that often means no break room.

If you’re leaning towards doing away with this tradition, though, you may want to think again. In reality, a break room could benefit your business is a few significant ways. Keep on reading to find out what they are.

A much-needed break

This may seem obvious, but it’s worth putting at the top of this list all the same. At the very least, a break room provides a space for a break. It’ll encourage staff to step away from their desks at lunch and the like. It also ensures that they get regular breaks away from their computers for things like coffee runs. This may not seem like it should matter to you as a boss, but it should. Spending too long sitting or staring at a screen can do real damage to employee health. In extreme cases, it could even see them with injuries for which they need time off on full workers compensation benefits. That’s going to do untold damage to your operations and your finances. By making sure they have a space to take the breaks they need, you could remove the risk altogether.

Increased productivity

Though you might not realize, a break room can also increase workplace productivity no end. This is for two primary reasons. For one, the chance to step away from a desk can help with a worker’s state of mind. Being able to relax in a separate space is sure to see them returning to their desks with a fresh outlook and new ideas. Break rooms also provide the chance to offer drinks and snacks which boost productivity. By offering fruit and nuts instead of biscuits, you could see energy levels on the rise all the time. Drinks like coffee can also work wonders by providing fuel whenever your team start flagging. And, incorporating a break room is the best way to ensure your workers get a regular fix.

Image Credit :  David O. Andersen

A chance for collaboration

Collaboration is always a good thing in a work environment. That’s why so many employers are keen on the open plan office design. The trouble is that even the most open offices don’t always achieve the collaborations they want. That’s because employees tend to stick to their desks and only talk with those in their vicinity. In the break room, though, team members from different sectors of your office could come together. If they get talking about projects here, they may well bounce ideas off each other which lead to work magic.

So, why was it you were so against a break room, again?


Sharni-Marie is the owner of the epic new marketing company Forj (M)arketing. She is a passionate marketer and business consultant with a huge vision to help small businesses forge their own way to future success. She loves to read and travel, always looking for experiences that broader her perspective.

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