From Passions to Practicalities: Bringing Structure to Your Self-Employed Life Productivity

Anybody that has worked for an employer for so long will relish branching out for themselves. Many of us have had no choice but to start going self-employed in light of what the last 20 months have thrown at us. But for all the freedom being self-employed has, it benefits from a structure. If you are someone who is learning the ropes or you are developing a number of side hustles, here are some ideas that could help you to structure your self-employed life more effectively.

Try a Number of Ventures, but Maintain a Business-Like Attitude 

It is vital to have a business attitude to things. Because you are at this stage where you are throwing things at a wall in the hope that it sticks. Learning to have an effective self-employed life is about trying a variety of approaches. Many people sell antiques at America’s Antique Mall and others will moonlight as a delivery driver. There is no shame in any side hustle and this is why you have to have a business attitude towards your roles.

Create Incentives

Being self-employed means that you’ve got to make your role worthwhile. Many people try every type of venture but they have to mean something to you, which is why you’ve got to decide what your incentives are. It may not necessarily involve being paid extremely well, but it could mean creating work that you are proud of or working with people that inspire you. It could be as simple as making sure that you are not bored. Ensuring that you have a variety of incentives will keep you motivated. 

Do Something That Makes You Feel Real

If you are struggling to structure your life, it’s important to find something that inspires you. But you also need to remember that being self-employed is about ensuring that you are doing something that contributes, either to yourself or to the world at large. Sometimes, the self-employed life means you don’t end up working as much as you did in comparison to when you were fully employed. But don’t worry about these periods, instead, think about being more productive during these times so when work comes your way or you are ready to start something new, you can begin afresh with a great attitude. When you start to do something that makes you feel alive, it can give you a far better insight into why you are doing this.

Stick to Deadlines

Part of the problem in working for yourself is that you have too much freedom. It’s only when you start to have people breathing down your neck that you realize you are still working in the traditional sense. This is why you’ve got to set yourself deadlines and stick to them. Having a more rigid day will help you focus and achieve something. Many people think about the self-employed life as being a great way to do what they want when they want. The reality is that if you want to structure your self-employed life, it’s about making sure you are focused on the practicalities of the role while also enjoying what it entails.


Sharni-Marie is the owner of the epic new marketing company Forj (M)arketing. She is a passionate marketer and business consultant with a huge vision to help small businesses forge their own way to future success. She loves to read and travel, always looking for experiences that broader her perspective.

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