How to Make an Effective Marketing Strategy on a Budget Marketing

Marketing and advertising are huge parts of what makes a successful business. Without adequate funding and strategizing in either of these things, your business is more likely to face reduced customers, falling profits, and eventual closure. Unfortunately, not every business can pump a lot of money into their marketing plans.

According to economic experts, the average small business is recommended to spend between 7 and 8 percent of their gross revenue towards marketing and advertising efforts.

If you are looking for a way to enhance your small business, you need marketing tactics that are not only effective but also affordable.

Below are five such tactics your small business can use to launch your own marketing strategy.

Build a Website

One of the best and easiest ways you can increase your reach and expand your business is by opening your own website. A business website is a much more versatile tool for marketing and direct online sales than a social media page. Thanks to hosting sites, you can now create a cheap and attractive digital storefront for any business.

Are you running a service for printing tarpaulins? A small mobile dog grooming service? No problem, the multitude of design templates and platforms will help you make a website without the need to hire an expensive designer. Just remember to make your website clean, neat, and easy to explore and you can expect a huge boost in sales and online reach.

Encourage Referrals

Referral systems are some of the best ways you can ensure a healthy flow of new customers without spending more than a few hundred dollars. Your primary goal is to come up with intriguing, interesting, and affordable incentives for people who will refer your business.

For example, if you are running a t-shirt printing business, perhaps a business or individual who refers a large enough order can get a sizable discount on their next order. This can ensure customers will have a reason to refer you to their friends and colleagues. You don’t want to come off as desperate and check the wording to remove referral materials for any pleading or forceful verbiage.

Start a Rewards Program

Speaking of incentives, customers also need to be incentivized if you want to make sure they’ll keep returning to your business. The primary method for ensuring return customers is by instituting customer rewards programs. These initiatives are sometimes viewed as the sole province of restaurants and eating establishments like a Waffle House franchise, but they are much more versatile.

Rather than set up a simple rewards card where people get stamps for purchases, you can enact more complex programs. For example, you could offer discounts at certain intervals, provide more rewards if customers attend certain events and the like. This can help keep them engaged and patronizing your business.

Participate in Fairs

Communities and economic institutions usually hold business fairs and employment events. If your community holds one such event, you should be eager to participate in it. These fairs can have hundreds of attendees who can see your business in action and want to be employees.

You can also use the time to form connections with other business owners which can lead to profitable deals in the future. Business fairs are a great way for you to advertise how great your establishment is. Invest in creating printed materials like brochures and pamphlets to maximize the time you spend at the fair.

Apply for Awards

Detractors of awards claim that they really offer no tangible benefits to businesses unless they also come with a gift or cash. However, business awards are excellent for improving your business’s standing in the community and among other businesses. Applying for awards and similar recognition may not seem worth it but customers to pay mind. Better yet, you can tell people on social media about your awards and feature them prominently on your website to add legitimacy to your business.

Another reason you may want to apply for an award is their vetting process can often help point out flaws in your systems and operations. For example, if you want to win an award for best customer service, the awarding body may give you useful insight into how you can improve.

Marketing on a budget may seem difficult or even impossible, but it can be done. The tips offered above are just the tip of the iceberg. There are dozens more tactics you can explore that will yield great customers without putting a sizable dent in your profits.


Sharni-Marie is the owner of the epic new marketing company Forj (M)arketing. She is a passionate marketer and business consultant with a huge vision to help small businesses forge their own way to future success. She loves to read and travel, always looking for experiences that broader her perspective.

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