How To Make Your Blog Posts Stand Out From The Crowd Creative Writing / Digital Marketing

Writing a blog always seems like such a straightforward thing. If you’re able to spell correctly, use the correct grammar, and write relatively creatively, then you’re good to go, right? Well, not really. There’s a lot more to it than that. There are thousands of other writers also looking to do just that. There are thousands of others trying to take the spotlight away from you and make it shine on them. It would be great if we could all have a share of the spoils, but that’s not how this world works – this world is a lot more competitive than such a utopia. 

Your job is to make your posts stand out from the crowd then. You need to show people that your content is so much better and full of a lot more substance than those vying for attention in your niche. As there are likely so many out there to compete with, the idea of finishing at the top of the pile sounds like a tough one. It’ll take some work, but here are some things you can do to ensure you’re in with a chance:

Actually Write About What You Love

It’s easy to choose something that you know very little about after seeing the success of others – don’t do this. Write about something that you genuinely know about. Write about something that you love, too. That way, you’ll be able to conjure up all kinds of material, and you won’t exactly get bored of doing it. Writers often struggle for inspiration during the lulls. If you do something you love, then you’ll hardly ever hit those rough patches.

Speak How You’d Speak!

It’s also easy to get caught up in how to behave when writing. Because those at the top are viewed with great esteem, it’s easy to want to mimic their actions. Again, you shouldn’t do what they do. It worked for them; it probably won’t for you. You need to literally act like you do day-in-day-out. It’ll make things so much easier for you; the words will flow. People will also appreciate that you’re being genuine – they’ll also like the fact that they’re able to get to know you from your words.

Use Beautiful Images

While the main part of your post is obviously the words on the screen, but there are a few bits and pieces on the periphery that will supplement the written content. Your website will obviously need to be aesthetically lovely, but images will need to compliment everything. People can get bored with seeing nothing but words – yes, even the most avid readers. There are sites online where you can get stills like the best lightroom presets for a reasonable price. There are also thousands of free images online that you can pinch, providing you give credit. 


The people are not going to gravitate towards you without a little promotion and marketing – it just doesn’t work like that, unfortunately. You’ll need to put in a little effort in terms of your attention-seeking. Social media is a great way of getting your name, blog, and everything else easily into the minds of the wider public. 


Sharni-Marie is the owner of the epic new marketing company Forj (M)arketing. She is a passionate marketer and business consultant with a huge vision to help small businesses forge their own way to future success. She loves to read and travel, always looking for experiences that broader her perspective.

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