Improve Your Business’ Digital Marketing Productivity In 4 Easy Steps Business / Digital Marketing

Small businesses can often feel cast adrift in a sea of competition, especially online. However, the one thing that will help them stay afloat is to have a good digital marketing strategy. Of course, for this to be as effective as possible, you will need to encourage productivity within your digital marketing team, a topic that you can learn more about below.  


Eat the frog

Its OK, you don’t actually have to get your digital marketing team to eat real frogs, although sometimes the tasks they have to complete might seem just as hard! In fact, the idea here is all about identifying the critical job that will have the most significant effect on your business’s bottom line and getting your team to prioritize this above everything else.

What that means is no meetings, emails, social media account checking, or anything else until that single task is done. Something that will ensure each and every day is as productive as possible concerning digital marketing.


Digital distraction management

Digital marketers at particularly vulnerable to distraction in their work, mainly because of the frequency that they need to use email and social media. After all, these are some of the vital tools of their trades.

However, they can also be terrible stop-works and time wasters as well, as it can be all too easy to fall down the rabbit hole of checking all of your followers account and following the link they have posted.

To that end, it’s crucial that you train your digital marketing team on productivity and how to minimize any distractions. Something that should include batching emails replies, and schedule social media sessions, as well as timing them strictly, so things don’t get out of hand.


The right tools and support

Next, for your digital marketing team to be as productive as possible, you will need to provide them with the right tools. Of course, as mentioned earlier this means having access to social media platforms and email, and underlying that will need to be an effective and reliable IT system.

Happily, such a system can be achieved if you choose the right IT Support for your business. Something that can help improve both productivity and effectiveness for your digital marketing team.

Communication between team members can improve productivity.


Access and communication

Lastly, if you want your digital marketing team to be as productive and effective as possible, you need to address access and communication.

Access to others work and goals is an essential part of any successful team, as this will allow them not only to understand how what each individual is doing fits into the big picture but also to maintain a unified message in promoting your brand.

Communication is crucial as well because if one hand knows what the other is doing, you will have a much better chance of effectively reaching the goals you are seeking to achieve, without duplicate the effort.


Although, where possible face to face communication should be encouraged because long email chains can act as just another form of distraction and drain productivity. Something that you are looking to avoid ultimately.



Sharni-Marie is the owner of the epic new marketing company Forj (M)arketing. She is a passionate marketer and business consultant with a huge vision to help small businesses forge their own way to future success. She loves to read and travel, always looking for experiences that broader her perspective.

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