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There are a lot of complications that come with running a business these days. People are online and connected more than they’ve ever been. And at the heart of that connectivity is social media. Even that has become far more complex that even a few years ago. Time was you could get your business on Facebook and, maybe, Twitter and you were set. But these days the sheer number of sites and apps that there are can leave you reeling. How are you supposed to know which ones will benefit your business and which one’s won’t? That’s no easy question to answer, but there are a few social media sites you don’t want to neglect.


Wait, hold on! We just said that’s an old site! That’s true, but Facebook is still the daddy of all social networks. With a new profile set up every second, any business without a Facebook presence may as well not exist online. The difference now is, it’s not enough just to have the Facebook presence, you have to use it. Whether you’re trying to figure out how to get coaching clients fast or you’re trying to expand your business into new markets, you Facebook is an essential tool. You can’t just clog up your customers feeds with endless advertising and spam. That is a sure fire way to turn off customers straight away. You’ve got to provide your customers with content that they will find valuable. The key to what to post is to ask yourself three questions. Is this informative? Is this entertaining? Does this connect me to my customers in a meaningful way? If it doesn’t check any of those boxes, you don’t need to post it. In a perfect world, your post would even tick all three.


This is the one that too many businesses neglect entirely. Why would we use this? Isn’t it just for selfies and pictures of food? First of all, no it isn’t. But second, and most importantly, it’s not about the selfies or pictures of food themselves. Instagram is about personality. People want to see pictures posted by people they respect or enjoy. The best Instagram accounts can create that enjoyment through entertaining, and meaningful content. Your business might not be one based on visual beauty, but human beings connect with images. It’s just how we’re wired. Use your Instagram to give a look behind the scenes, show appreciation for your employees and coworkers. It’s about showing the people behind the business. Customers are far more likely to be interested in the business if they’re interested in the people involved.


Make no mistake; Youtube is a social network just like any other. One with a remarkable user base. Successful Youtube personalities are pulling in numbers major television stations could only dream of. Once again this provides you with the opportunity to talk directly to your customers. Not just through your content but in the comments sections as well. Joke with them, engage with them as people. A video is also invaluable as it lets you put a face to your company. Without forcing it down people’s throats, you can create a strong bond between your customers and your business. Remember: a loyal audience member is a dedicated consumer.

Of course, this doesn’t mean that you can forget about the other, more traditional marketing methods. The key is to find the best possible balance between the old and the new.


Sharni-Marie is the owner of the epic new marketing company Forj (M)arketing. She is a passionate marketer and business consultant with a huge vision to help small businesses forge their own way to future success. She loves to read and travel, always looking for experiences that broader her perspective.

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