Keeping Your Body, Mind and Bank Account Healthy When Running a Business Business / Startups

Keeping a business running full time can cause a lot of stresses and strains on your mental and physical health. You should never allow this to get in the way of your work, because you need to maintain your profits and sales as much as you can. Whether you’re making money on the sidelines or running your own business you always need to put your health first, so it might be time to reassess a few things in your work life. Keep your body, mind and bank account healthy and consider all of these ideas right now.

Claim the Compensation You Deserve

You might have been too busy to follow this up in the past, but if you have been involved in an accident that wasn’t your fault, you need to claim the compensation you are entitled to. You might want to speak to a road, car or truck accident attorney, who can help you to build a case and get justice. If there is an opportunity to gain some money from your misfortunes than you should always take it and seek advice from the professionals.

Take Note of Stress Warning Signs

Business owners have a tendency to sleep less and eat less healthily than the regular corporate worker. This is due to their stress levels being much higher; when you run a business there is so much expected of you at all times, that you can put undue pressure on yourself to succeed. Try to take note of the early warning signs of stress and nip it in the bud whilst you can. Taking care of your mental health is just as important as your physical health, because if you can’t function or focus your business will suffer as a result.

Assess Your Working Environment

If you are working in a workspace that is filled with clutter and paperwork, then you might want to reassess this. Make sure you are sitting in a clean and comfortable environment that isn’t going to cause you any strain or injuries. Repetitive strain injury is becoming more and more common for people who work in offices, simply because they don’t know how to sit properly and get the correct equipment for their needs. Make sure your chair is adjustable and you don’t have your laptop in an uncomfortable position. You can always call out an expert to assess your working environment and seating needs.

Learn to Take a Break

Taking a break when you are a business owner is a lot easier said than done. You need to be on your A game at all times, so it’s hard to switch off. Make sure you factor in regular screen breaks and time away from work. Even if you only manage to go for a ten minute stroll at lunchtime every little helps.

So keep your body, mind and bank account healthy whilst you run your business. Look out for all of these warning signs and don’t let your business take over your life in an unhealthy way.


Sharni-Marie is the owner of the epic new marketing company Forj (M)arketing. She is a passionate marketer and business consultant with a huge vision to help small businesses forge their own way to future success. She loves to read and travel, always looking for experiences that broader her perspective.

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