Money Eggs: Don’t Put Your Business’s All In One Basket Business / Money Matters

OK, so ‘money eggs’ may be a bit of a cheesy way to think about it, but the financial advice behind diversifying revenue streams for your business is sound. After all, it not only insulates you from a full-blown financial disaster if one stream crashes but also means that your money is working as hard as possible for your business at all times. To that end, consider the methods of diversifying your business’s revenue streams below. If you don’t want to end up with egg on your face that is!

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Sell your expertise as well as your product.

If you are business that creates products or offers a service you have added value that you tap. In fact, it’s all the knowledge and expertise that you have gained by creating that product or service itself that is of value.  

After all, there will be others in your industry that can benefit from your understanding of the processes and pitfalls involved, as well as others that could do with some help in the management and administration side of things.

It is this that is your opportunity to diversify by offering tutorials, consulting, webinars, and other support services, at a fee to other companies. Something that will not only help you to establish an additional income but will also build your brand’s reputation as someone to be trusted and looked to for inspiration within your field.  

Invest profits.

Next, if you want to create an additional revenue stream that is less connected to the field you are working in consider investing business profits in the stock market. Of course, there is a range of investment options available including real estate, and providing financing for other businesses. However, something that many business owners find profitable in investing in the stock market.

Although, it pays to remember that while investing in the stock market is something that is far more accessible now than it has ever been, it still is an option that involves certain risks. That is why it’s essential to use the right software with the correct settings as this will allow you to track trends and identify the best time to buy and sell.

Luckily, you can get some detailed information about things like settings for macd that can make the whole process a lot clearer and more straightforward. Something that can help you easily put your business’s funds to work, and generate another revenue stream apart from the profit your product is making.

Consider an additional purchase model.

Lastly, if you are looking to generate an additional revenue stream, and one that isn’t necessarily related to the market you are operating in, why not do an audit of how much use particular machines and equipment get over the month?

Then, if you find there is any significant downtime you may be able to reschedule your productivity flows to allow you to lease out these items out to other contracts. This can then generate an additional income, for something that you aren’t using and don’t need. A great way to make more money and ensure that your business will remain solvent for years to come.   


Sharni-Marie is the owner of the epic new marketing company Forj (M)arketing. She is a passionate marketer and business consultant with a huge vision to help small businesses forge their own way to future success. She loves to read and travel, always looking for experiences that broader her perspective.

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