5 Thriving Industries for Entrepreneurs Looking to Make It Big Startups

If you’re an entrepreneur or aspiring business owner, you’ve probably asked yourself, “What industries should I invest in?” With so many industries, knowing which ones are the most successful and have the most growth potential can be challenging. So, if you’re an aspiring entrepreneur, read on to learn which industries you should invest in. Fintech Fintech has significant growth potential for entrepreneurs due to the...

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Steps To Improve Marketing Outcomes For Your Business Business

The primary aim of marketing is to promote products and services. On the surface, marketing seems relatively simple, but in reality, it’s a complex art. If you run a business, and you’re not getting the results you anticipated from previous marketing campaigns, here are some steps to improve outcomes.  Streamline your strategy to reach the target audience It’s understandable to assume that adopting a scattergun...

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Boosting Real Estate Profits: Best Practices Money Matters

Real estate investors are always looking for ways to increase their profits and create a steady revenue stream. There are many ways to make money in the real estate market, but being strategic is key to success. How do you maximize your returns on these investments? Here are some techniques to consider to make the most of your venture. Invest in Low-Cost Properties One of...

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About Me

Sharni-Marie Barney

Sharni-Marie is the owner of an epic new marketing consultancy, Forj Marketing. She has a huge vision to help businesses forge their own way to future success. She loves to read and travel, always looking for experiences that broaden her perspective. She has big dreams.