Reducing The Effort With The Essential Business Productivity Programs And Software Startups / Technology

One of the most integral components to the startup culture, beyond the marketing, conversion rate, and even the product itself, is the productivity. Any business looking to improve their processes needs to look at how they can fine tune their productivity. Luckily, these days, it’s easier than ever to get the right programs to help with this…  

Valid Check

As we are all processing everything online, and doing our utmost to minimize paper usage, it’s more important than ever to get the right programs that transfer money. While there are numerous ways to send a bank transfer, if we need to send a check, this can be quite tricky. But with this program, it helps you to send checks as an email and syncs in with QuickBooks. With the abundance of check fraud prevention processes out there, it’s vital you have the appropriate program.


There are plenty of organizational programs out there, like Asana and Basecamp, and Monday.Com certainly falls in with those, but if you’re looking for something a bit more bang for your buck it can give you the opportunity to create tasks within a project, and break it down into more workable components.


Working with customers is a tricky business, and software like this helps to improve your relationship with the customers. While it’s more than tempting to automate every process, Groove gives you the opportunity to automate the system, but without over-relying on it to provide that relationship with customers.

Meet Edgar

When running a social media marketing campaign, it’s important that you schedule everything beforehand. This program gives you simple organizational techniques, making you more efficient. You can write all your social media updates at once, and then have them get sent out numerous times afterward. The process of social media posting can be a dreary one and repetitive, but not with programs like this.


If you are looking to go paperless, it can be very difficult to keep track of all the files and folders that you already have in your abundance, making it more difficult to go paperless. This app gives you the tools to scan your papers quickly. You can keep them in the app, or send them to a computer, and from there, you can archive them in a program like Dropbox.


Scheduling is difficult to get right, especially if you’ve got plenty of meetings and you’re trying to do more than one thing at once to schedule everybody in. Most people use calendar invites, but this program gives others the opportunity to schedule a time with you. This will minimize all those messages back and forth which detracts from productivity.


Tracking your billable hours is another mind-numbingly difficult process, especially as a freelancer, but by using this program to create separate tasks and projects, it’s all there under one handy banner.

Ensuring productivity is as important as the other aspects isn’t easy to achieve, but if you get the right programs, you will reduce the effort.


Sharni-Marie is the owner of the epic new marketing company Forj (M)arketing. She is a passionate marketer and business consultant with a huge vision to help small businesses forge their own way to future success. She loves to read and travel, always looking for experiences that broader her perspective.

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