Staying Healthy When You Work from Home Health / Work From Home

Working from home can be fantastic. Many of the workforce today are doing it, at least some of the time, and a lot of them very successfully. For many working from home offers a flexibility, which they could never achieve in the workplace, and many businesses are keen to let their staff work from home to save money and decrease the need for large office space and supplies. It can be the best option for everyone. 

But, one drawback is often how it affects our health and fitness. When we work out of the home, even if we spend the majority of our days sitting at a desk, we move. We have to travel to work, and even if you do it in a car, there’s a little walking. At home, we can stay in bed late, sit on the sofa, and reach for the cookie jar whenever we fancy.

Many people that work from home spend days indoors, without social contact or fresh air. They gain weight, their fitness levels drop, they eat more sugar and fat, and their skin starts to suffer. Suddenly, their immune systems are weaker, and they are picking up every bug going, even without being around other people. 

Fortunately, it doesn’t have to be like this. There is plenty that you can do to stay healthy when you work from home. Here are some tips to help you. 

Schedule Exercise

Exercise is the best thing that you can do for yourself, but it can seem hard to find the time when you are trying to manage work from home. Scheduling it in can help. Dress in your Tencel modal fiber activewear in the morning and go for a quick run even before you start work. Exercising early means that you are more likely to do it before you become distracted. 

Drink More Water

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It’s so easy to sit and drink coffee all day, or to fail to drink at all. Not drinking enough leads to dehydration, headaches, and the risk of overeating. Drinking too much coffee or other caffeinated drinks can lead to a raised heartbeat, headaches, jitters, peaks, and falls in energy and difficulty concentration. Over time, it can even become a hard to break addiction. So, try to get into the healthy habit of sipping water all day instead. 

Prepare Healthy Snacks

An unhealthy diet is a big problem for homeworkers. It’s easy to grab fast, unhealthy snacks and meals. But, over time, this can lead to weight gain, increased blood pressure, and the risk of an extensive range of often serious health issues. Prepare healthy snacks, plan your meals, and give yourself a real lunch break every day. 

Go for a Walk

Sitting down all day is another big problem. Exercise is great, but often just going for a short walk after lunch or dinner can be a big help. You may even find a quick walk around the house, or jogging on the spot for a few minutes every hour can help. 

Stick to Working Hours

Another problem is stress. Homeworkers find it hard to separate life and work. They work until late at night and then struggle to sleep. They almost become obsessed with work and forget life. Sticking to regular work hours, whether that is 9-5 or something that works better for you, can help you to stay healthy and happy. 


Sharni-Marie is the owner of the epic new marketing company Forj (M)arketing. She is a passionate marketer and business consultant with a huge vision to help small businesses forge their own way to future success. She loves to read and travel, always looking for experiences that broader her perspective.

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