Stop Productivity Loss Fast Like This Business / Company

Productivity loss can happen for a number of reasons, and luckily we know a lot more about it now than we used to. People really need to let go of the idea that working more means being more productive, as this is rarely the case. Rather than working harder, people need to work smarter in order to get more done.

Whether you’re working for yourself as a freelancer or a one person startup, or you have a team of people behind you, the ideas below can help you to stop productivity loss fast.


Encourage Napping

Napping might seem counterintuitive, but some of the most productive and successful people out there love taking naps, from inventors to presidents. Some people like to nap in the afternoon as it helps to split the day up into ‘two shifts’ almost. Some like to take a short 20 minute nap to increase alertness, while others may nap for up to 90 minutes for improved memory function – although a longer nap will usually mean grogginess upon waking. Getting plenty of sleep is imperative for productivity, and this is why many companies are now introducing ‘nap pods’ into the workplace.


Start Delegating And Outsourcing

Don’t try to do everything yourself. You might think you’ll do a better job, but you may actually hinder yourself in the long run. Look at your business and the things you do every day, and figure out where you’re better off delegating and outsourcing. For example, if there’s a task you hate, or one you’re not very skilled at, you’ll always be better delegating or outsourcing it. IT solutions are a prime example of this; most people haven’t got the first clue what to do when experiencing downtime, but attempt to deal with it themselves. The results can be disastrous! By working with a company like ATS Tech Solutions, you can have peace of mind and ensure your business stays up and running.


Don’t Aim For Perfection

Perfection can seriously trip you up when it comes to your productivity. Those who want perfection often spend far longer on a task than needed, and tend to procrastinate more than most. There’s no such thing as perfection, so don’t aim for it!


Start Automating

Perhaps there are apps and software you can use to automate some of your business processes. You can usually automate many tasks in business, and doing so will more than pay off in the long run.


Encourage Healthy Lifestyles

Whether it’s just you running the show or you have a team, a healthy lifestyle will make all the difference to your productivity. Provide healthy alternatives for staff with healthy vending machines, and consider gym memberships as a healthy incentive. Also support and allow mental health days – everybody needs help sometimes, and nobody should feel bad for it. In general, the more trusting and relaxed you are with your team, the better.


Create A Better Working Environment

Create a more productive working environment using things like natural light and upgraded equipment to get faster, better results. You can’t go wrong with plants, either!



Sharni-Marie is the owner of the epic new marketing company Forj (M)arketing. She is a passionate marketer and business consultant with a huge vision to help small businesses forge their own way to future success. She loves to read and travel, always looking for experiences that broader her perspective.

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