Employee in new normal wearing mask Company / Motivate

In business, you have to make sure everything is ticking over nicely. There are systems and machines in place that can allow that to happen, but manpower and human error are two things that still play a big part in how everything goes. If you want to improve business results, then you have to get things right in terms of the personnel and what they...

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Tips To Help Improve Business Results Business

Whether you own a business or work for a company, you might be looking for the best ways to improve results. If so, then you have come to the right place.  Here are some of the simplest yet most effective ways to improve business results. Gain new knowledge The business world, no matter what industry you work in, is constantly evolving. Therefore, there is always...

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Creating a Budgeting System that Works for You Money Matters

Creating and following a budget is one of the best ways to get your finances in order. A budget allows you to track your income and expenses and helps you stay within your limits. While creating a budget can seem daunting, it doesn’t have to be. There are plenty of tips and tricks out there to help you get started. Here are a few key...

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About Me

Sharni-Marie Barney

Sharni-Marie is the owner of an epic new marketing consultancy, Forj Marketing. She has a huge vision to help businesses forge their own way to future success. She loves to read and travel, always looking for experiences that broaden her perspective. She has big dreams.