Mental Health: How Is Your Business Handling It? Health

Mental health is such a hot topic at the minute, and so it should be. There are so many things going on in the world that are leading others to have problems with their mind that they’re finding hard to control. And do you want to know one of the things that’s the leading cause to stress, anxiety, and depression? It’s the work life that people have. All of a sudden we’re thrown into the working world from a young age, and the type of environment people are working in can really mess with someone’s mind. You have to deal with all of the pressures of being able to perform, but also the pressures that come elsewhere in life. So your employees are most likely going to be stressed and a little bit down, especially if your office is a fast paced environment. So, what are you doing about it? Are you doing enough to support your employees so that you retain people who know what they’re doing with their role? If not, we’re here to guide you as to how you should be putting more effort into looking out for your employees mental health. Keep on reading to find out more. 

Dedicated In House Services 

In house services are one of the best ways that you can support your employees who may feel as though they’re going through a tough time. Mental health can impact all aspect of life, but especially work. So if you want to show you can support your employees, as well as protect the integrity of your business, you should think about offering in house services. You could kit out a room with mental health furniture which is specially designed to be more comfortable and inviting. You could then hire a counsellor to come into the office once a week and allow your employees to book sessions. At first people might not be as willing to do this because they don’t want others to think they’re suffering with mental health. But if you can create an environment for support, more and more will book in sessions. You will see such a positive impact in the workplace, and you’ll be pioneering a new tactic that other businesses will want to use. 

Ongoing Training & Support 

You need to provide ongoing training and support. One of the reasons why so many employees are suffering with mental health problems is because they were thrown into the deep end without a clue what to do. So they stress and build up a ton of anxiety. It creates an atmosphere of not being able to talk to colleagues to ask them what to do. So, always make sure you’re providing ongoing training. Support is also important. Let your employees know that they can come and talk to you about anything. 

Recognizing Signs 

Mental Health: How Is Your Business Handling It?Finally, as the CEO of your company, or perhaps a manager high up the ladder, you need to be able to recognize signs of a struggling employee. It could be a lack of socialization in the office, coming in late and leaving late, not eating lunch, and generally just being reserved. Reach out to that person in the office rather than naming them shy! 


Sharni-Marie is the owner of the epic new marketing company Forj (M)arketing. She is a passionate marketer and business consultant with a huge vision to help small businesses forge their own way to future success. She loves to read and travel, always looking for experiences that broader her perspective.

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